Circle Leader: [[email protected]](<>) / Respresentant: [[email protected]](<>)
Communication Core Values
Communication Plan
Style Guide
Short Video's Format
The vision for this Circle, is foster an horizontal communication in between the organization, inside and outside, by sharing transparently our processes, decisions and conclusions. This communication aims to be transversal and at the same level in between our projects, community and public.
- Communication Core Values + Plan.
- Design communication actions and protocols based on the consented.
- For projects: analize and adjust the general communication plan to the projects audience.
- Safeguard the open communication and the workflow in communications, study the accurate channels.
- Internal communication flow, tone & transparency > as defined in the Communication Core Values.
Actions & Processes:
- Finalisation of Communication plan and the presentation of it.
- Social Media accounts follow up and relationships.
- Internal communication facilitation.
- Meeting notes
- Organization of documents
- Standarization of online folders.
To do: