Circle Leader: [[email protected]](<>) / Respresentant: [[email protected]](<>)
Our intent is to provide an answer to the question of How community members feel valued and like to give Value. It's an ongoing experiment, were we design with the community a way to provide visibility and value to our members, partners and community.
Safeguard the Value generation and distribution of the Akasha Hub Barcelona and it’s projects. Includes but not limited to: Community Members / Salaries / Time for Money / Resource distribution / External partners / Fundraising / Define what is the Value of Akasha Hub and the projects, and what economic resources and output this will be distributed in what structures.
Special attention to feedback about how community members feel Valued.
Create a feedback loop mechanism to be in contact with the community regarding Value exchange. It's an investigation like Lab. So scientific approach needed.
Kind of memberships:
What do you value at Akasha Hub Barcelona, and how would you like to build our value exchange? Please fill out these questions, we would love to hear what you think so we can start to build together. [link to q of VE]