Circle Leader: [[email protected]](<>) / Respresentant: [[email protected]](<>)
Welcome to Akasha Hub Barcelona
The Network is the mycelium of any community. In Eutopia the global knowledge theory network is connected to the local actions network, so knowledge and experiences can be exchanged between them in spiral movements. The diversity of cultures within and between communities is the celebration of rich exchange.
Care, create, visualize and share the network. Create self awareness within the Network. Safeguard the inclusion of all community-members as part of the network. Use and study tools to create connectivity awareness. Online: like social media and Offline: like events or actions/conferences etc. Ensure structure for easy access to the network and think of collaboration tools to always open up any action to the community. Special care to ensure the connection intercomunitary (for example global / local and crypto / manual)
Networks that we are actively part of:
CoCo BCN Network / This group is the first step to connect people that have or run a Co-Space in Barcelona as a business, to exchange knowledge and hace a base to create systems together.